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Paris Hilton

Posted by homesweethome - -

Paris Hilton is one the most talented actresses, singers and performers humankind has ever known, and is the founding member of Hollywood 2.0 lifestyle. Widely recognized as Pavarotti of pop music and Picasso of contemporary arts, Paris can be easily distinguished from the mainstream Hollywood crowd by the importance she places on originality and creativity. She has publicly admitted on several occasions that she owes her success exclusively to her talent.Paris is highly acclaimed for her innovative ideas, like putting together such reality TV series masterpieces as “Simple Life” and “Paris Hilton’s My New BFF”. “Simple Life” was an instant hit, with some insiders reporting that she was widely considered for an Oscar nomination in the category Best Documentary. Paris, where she plays herself alongside her sidekick Nicole Richie, tries to portray her difficult childhood having to work on the farm around the clock just to cover her staggering babysitting expenses. Despite coming from a modest upbringing, Hiltons accomplishments inspired one of the independently-owned hotel chains to be named after her. Besides her numerous talents, she has a burgeoning career in fashion and modeling industry. In a seemingly effortless move to set a new standard for beauty and style, she released her mug shot photos taken at the time of the first in a series of her DUI’s. Despite her misfortune with police when it comes to drinking and driving, she has exceeded everybody’s expectations by becoming a role model for the children, displaying perseverance and consistency, qualities so often overlooked by the mainstream Hollywood. It is widely speculated that she made a promise to join “Mothers Against Drinking and Driving” after the birth of her first child, a pledge that she says she “may consider to keep”. Her creative nature also came out in a solo campaign to expand on a traditional Hollywood market by reaching out to the right-wing white supremacist audience, when she used racial and homophobic slurs in a conversation at a party. It was later revealed that she may have been drinking, a claim Paris denies in order not to jeopardize her AA equivalency certification.With her single “Stars Are Blind”, she attempts to engage the audience by raising awareness of a widespread pandemic of vision loss in Hollywood. The authority on music critique Allmusic praised the single and described it as “more fun than anything released by Britney Spears or Jessica Simpson, and a lot fresher, too.” With that statement the discussion of Paris’s talent has been closed and she’s in the process of waiting for her own Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Her debut full-length album “Paris” was an instant hit with a pre-school toddler audience, a market often neglected by the mainstream Hollywood producers, showcasing her long-term visionary and commitment that will virtually guarantee her prominence in the entertainment industry well beyond 2035.Hilton's success spawned a sizable following of imitators, most notably her sidekick protege Kim Kardashian, who also jump started her "career" by having her home-made kinky tape "stolen" and then distributed all over the web "without her consent". According to Hollywood 2.0 guidelines, such tapes are usually promoted by strong denials in the media months before the scheduled release date.

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